Diamond High Pressure Pump - Sprayer and Accessories Manufacturing and Development 50 Years Experience
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About Tanong



Tanong Precision Technology started as Tanong Agricultures Machinery in the spring of 1970. For responding to our government’s policy back then to transform the way of doing agricultures from using man power to machinery, a group of young engineers decided to devote their skill to this mission for the land they loved, and gave birth to Tanong Agricultures Machinery. They devoted fully in innovating and developing crop caring machinery especially in high pressure power sprayers.

In 90’, such power sprayers became commonly made in China with little niche left and we faced extreme low-cost competition. Tanong realized that company reformation and engineering elevation were necessary to survive in business. We started to introducing ISO9001 into our quality assurance system, investing in new product developments, equipping our RD and QC with several test and measuring instruments, and implementing ERP program along with computerizing our managing system. We did not succeed overnight, instead it took us several years to reform our structure and to become able to work with latest electric technology and advance materials in new product development, in addition to our continuous evolution in core technology of high pressure plunger pumps.

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