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Radial Piston Power Sprayer


The Fratures of Radial Piston Power Sprayer

The basic design principle of the Diamond brand radial piston power sprayer is direct-driven by a motor (or engine), and the pistons are arranged radially instead of the traditional horizontal parallel arrangement. The main design principles are listed as follows.
  1. Due to the increased RPM and larger suction cross-sectional diameter of the piston-type is larger than the plunger-type, although the outer diameter of the piston packing is not as large as of a plunger sprayer, the fluid volume pumped by a single cycle is nearly twice of a radial plunger sprayer, while the overall volume of both sprayers are almost the same.
  2. The characteristic of direct drive radial power sprayer allows the RPM to increase to 1450-1750 rpm. Compared with traditional power sprayer, the radial power sprayer has relatively low pulse impact and less pulsation vibration, giving better operation comfort and less consumable components impact.
  3. Our current designs of two, three, and five-cylinder models of radial piston pump share up to 90% of same components. The main differences are the size of eccentric shaft (which differs for three and five-cylinder models), the inlet port diameter, and the overall size of power sprayer (which differs for three and five-cylinder models).
  4. The fluid pumped by the radial spray machine flows around the entire power sprayer, which helps to take away the working heat of the sprayer. At the same time, the mechanical oil needed can also be relatively reduced to achieve environmental protection and low maintenance costs.
  5. Due to the high RPM of the radial power sprayer, a large proportion of the fluid can be pumped effectively to output port. Compared with traditional low RPM power sprayer, less bypass flow is required to maintain a specific pressure. In other words, for the same number of nozzles, the required rated flow rate of the radial power sprayer does not need to be as high as that of the belt-driven power sprayer to maintain a certain operating pressure.
  6. The maximum working pressure of the radial piston power sprayer is lower than the plunger type. While the plunger type can work at a maximum pressure of up to 70 kg/cm2, the piston type emphasizes on high flow rate and medium working pressure, making it particularly suitable for situations that require high flow rate operation.

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